Saturday, January 30, 2010

Post #3 - Web 2.0 Tool

For this blogging assignment, my class was asked to find a web 2.0 tool that could be used in a classroom. We have not only talked about a lot of tools in the classroom, but we have also used many different tools. Each student keeps their own blogs, we respond to discussions on Ning, and we have had multiple interactions with authors and teachers via Skype. Before this class I was not aware of the multitude of programs on the Web. Many of these programs are meant for person or social uses, but most are great tools that can be put into use in the classroom. In order to find a web 2.0 tool that we have not discussed in class, I decided to use Google. I found my Web 2.0 tool choice on a blog where a teacher recommended it. The tool I have chosen is “Gradefix”.
According to gradefix, “Gradefix intelligently organizes and prioritizes all of your homework so you are always on top of it.” On the blog, it was written that, “Students that use Gradefix create a study schedule used to best spread out and prioritize homework throughout the week in hopes to decrease stress and improve grades.” When I read this, I was immediately hooked. But before I could really write about it, I had to check it out for myself. I logged onto the site and looked to the right side where it listed five great reasons for using Gradefix. These were:
1. Better Grades
2. Higher Retention
3. Easy to Use
4. Procrastinator’s Paradise
5. Use Online, Use Anywhere
These grasped my attention because they are all things that I look for when thinking about my grades and being organized. I took the 60seconds that it required to sign up. I figured the best way to see if it was a useful tool was to use it myself. I looked at my planner and filled in the applicable spots on the web page regarding my classes and homework needs. I was also able to incorporate my work schedule into my class schedule. Gradefix immediately created a schedule for me to follow for studying and getting my work done. The schedule gave specific times and ranked my most important assignments depending on when they were due. There are also alarms that are sent to your email reminding you what there is to be done and when assignments are due. I can most definitely see myself using this in the future to stay organized.
In regards to bringing this web 2.0 tool into the classroom, I think it would be helpful for keeping kids on track. There are so many students out there who need help getting their work finished. A daily planner is not always a tool that works, but this application may. It is a free web tool that takes only 60 seconds to sign up for. It can keep any student on track, even the teacher.


  1. Samatha,

    First off, I really like your blog. The layout is simple but still interesting and your writing is informative and right to the point. I know I sound like an English teacher, but my true confession is that I don't really like reading on-line text that much. I tend to skim and then I often miss the point.

    Your post was written in such a way that I was able to read through it quickly and still got the points. BTW: it sounds like interesting software!

  2. Gradefix sounds really cool! In my opinion, one of the number one reasons students fail to turn in assignments is because of problems with time management. What better way then to have students use a Web 2.0 tool to give them daily reminders to complete tasks. This tool looks easy to use, and could be incorporated into any classroom setting. Great find!

  3. This is a really great time management tool. I think students- especially those who have never had the experience to balance and budget time, will find this useful

  4. Sounds like a solid planning program that is available online 24/7. I'm actually very inclined to check this tool out and see if it could help me manage my time.
